Thursday, February 15, 2007

Spot the University Challenge reference

Last year a British film called Starter for 10 was released in the UK. Here it was marketed as a comedy about student life in the 1980s and a gentle tribute to perennial student TV quiz show University Challenge. Next month the film is being released in America and the trailer is up on Apple's Movie Trailers page. Go watch it and see if you can spot what's missing.

Yes, any and all references to University Challenge been left out. That much I can understand, since it would be like marketing a movie about Jeopardy to British audiences, most of whom have never seen the show [except in US movies, ironically]. More telling is the exemption of anything that shows this film is set 20 years in the past, or that it has an 80s-tastic soundtrack. Whoever cut the US trailer opted for charming British college rom-com and stopped there. End result? It's a bit bland looking. Strange how marketing for the same film can send such different signals.

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