Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My fizzog on a [Scottish] telly soon. Maybe

Just been interviewed for a prospective Newsnight Scotland piece about creativity and professionalism. Might be on tonight [Wednesday, August 12 2009], might be on tomorrow. Or they might leave my face on the cutting room floor. Anyway, pimped the new creative writing MA course and did cutaways of me leafing through the pages of THRILL-POWER OVERLOAD, my magnificent octopus about the history of iconic British comic 2000AD.

Later this afternoon an Irish radio station is interviewing me by phone [alas, no free trip to Dublin for me], another Q&A inspired by yesterday's piece in the Times [Scottish edition]. Nice to get the course some more attention, all grist to the mill. Happily, I got to sit down for the Newsnight segment. Once did a live interview for Sky News while standing on one leg next to an open window in a snowstorm, pimping 2000 AD.

As a bonus, selected parts of the house now look spotless, thanks to frantic tidying before the Newsnight people arrived. Even gave the Dyson one of its rare excursions across the carpet. Downside of all this: not getting much work done today. My plan to write an article about the English longbow and Robin Hood isn't making much progress, and it's back to Craighouse tomorrow for two days prepping the MA course.

No prizes for what I'll be doing this weekend: writing.

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