Honestly, look away if you want the episode spoiled.
Last chance...
Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you...

The Master's back! And he's played by Derek Jacobi. And then by John Simm. And he's stolen the Doctor's TARDIS. And left the Doctor and Martha and Captain Jack stranded near a quarry - sorry, I mean alien planet at the end of the universe.
Way-hey, it's like the 1970s never ended! Next thing you know, people will be wearing flares, taking prog rock seriously, going to Pink Floyd concerts and wishing they'd make another series of that cop show about the two dangerous detectives who race around in a Ford Granada sorting villains before going down the boozer.
Hmm, maybe the 1970s never did end?
The 70s never ended in my house. My husband has side burns!!!
Yes, but what were the Reavers from Firefly doing there?
*wonders about some link-up between the Master and the Blue Sun Corporation*
I'm glad someone else noticed the quarry.
Oh my, how will the doctor escape?
"how will the doctor escaoe?"
He'll probably use his Sonic Screwdriver to simply "magic" the problems away. Works every bloody time.
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