I've been gushing about the TV series of Friday Night Lights for months. I'm now happy to report it is finally getting a chance on British TV, albeit buried on digital channel ITV4. If you've got cable or satellite, I highly commend FNL for your attention. But why would I want to watch a show ostensibly about a Texas high school gridiron team, I hear you ask? Trust me, this series isn't about sport. It's about growing up, families, coming to terms with your gifts and your limitations - it's about so much more than sport.
FNL's got some of the best writing on US TV right now and some of the best acting, too. Give the pilot a chance. If you're not hooked by the end, it's not the show for you. I was gripped, moved and enthused - and I know next to nothing about msot of the things Friday Night Lights is ostensibly about. You can see the pilot on ITV4 at 8pm on Wednesday February 21st, with the second episode on the same channel and timeslot the following night, and episode three broadcast from 8.30pm on Friday the 23rd.
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